The Good Old Days ....REMEMBER THE 50'S & 60'S
GENE MINIX'S__________________
Ah, those days of the 1950's and 60's.
Let's take a few minutes and cruise on down the Nostalgia Highway.
Do you remember playing with the American Plastic Bricks? My, the
houses you could build with those bricks.
Did you have a transistor radio? Bet yo did if you were there in
the 50's and 60's.
Do you remember the Pick Up Stix? Ever play with them?
Remember the Bazooka Bubble gum and the little cartoon strip
that came with them?
What about Lincoln Logs? Love building those log houses.
Remember the old egg beaters you hand turned?
Remember the TV test pattern?
What about the Five and Dime stores?
Did you ever own one of those little Kodak Brownie cameras?
Remember when you had to replace the tubes in your radio or TV set?
You could test them at your local drugstore.
Loved those view-masters back in the 50's and 60's.
Remember when Coke was sold only in bottles.
Remember the drive-in burger and the window trays to hold your food.
Do you remember when your cars were dressed up with whitewall tires?
Remember those speakers at the drive-in movies? Two to a post. One for
you and one for the car on the other side of you.
Ah, wonderful memories from the Good Old Days. Sweet memories. God bless.
© Copyright 2013 - 2014, by Gene Minix.
All rights reserved.